Public Land Hunting Success with Ryan Nitz

Florida Public Land Hunting Success With Ryan Nitz



Podcast Synopsis

This week I had the chance to sit down with Ryan Nitz and talk to him about public land hunting in Florida. Ryan is an avid hunter and has spent a TON of time hunting on public land. He has a ton of good advice for anything from gear all the way down to specific techniques that will grant you the most success with hunting public land. We also talk about public land etiquette, rules and regulations, and things to avoid when you are out there. Be sure to follow Ryan on Instagram @ryannitz to see how his hunting season is going this year, and to reach out to him with any additional questions you may have. 

Ryan Thumbnail.jpg

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hey everybody it is how to tuesday it is also fall and fall means hunting season one of my friends in florida ryan nitz does a tremendous amount of hunting and he hunts public land which is not easy to do and so if you are someone who is looking to get into hunting and you don't have any private land to hunt if you are someone who wants to get better at public land hunting you're going to want to pay attention to this particular podcast because ryan is going to unload a lot of knowledge about public land hunting in florida so stick around for that we're going to thank our sponsors really quickly today we have empire boat covers go to empire covers dot com forward slash trp you can get 15 off your order plus free shipping you can get a cover for about anything there your grill or your boat anything you want barracuda tackle is a place where you can go and get fantastic cast nets you can even get a custom cast net of any color you want barracuda boat hammock stand is another of our sponsors today you can go there and you can buy a stand that goes in your rod holder and allows you to hang a hammock in your boat very cool product and you can also go and check out fishing points app this is a great app we've talked about journaling and logging a lot of your information this allows you to do it with just the picture of your fish it does it automatically for you it's very cool check out fishing points app in the app store of your choice and we are ready to go for today's show i've got ryan nitz here he is a very very accomplished snook fisherman of course but a lot of people don't know that ryan nitz is also a very very accomplished hunter he's a great deer hunter turkey hunter and he does most of it on public land that's what we're going to talk about today ryan what's going on i'm glad you're here thanks for helping us out with this one i'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say about public land hunting what's going on it's good to see you again it's been a couple years yeah well it's not been a couple of years for me because i follow you on instagram and i watch all the stuff that you're catching and killing and you're doing awesome man you just got back from your elk hunt is that correct i just got back from colorado 28 hour drive uh funny enough i got here at 3 30 in the morning and i was back out in the woods at 5 30 hunting public land down here again dang you're an animal yeah all right well one of the things that uh we've had a lot of questions about i know you get a lot of questions too is how do you get started public land hunting and let's talk about it especially in florida don't let's let's go from a to z ryan if you don't mind sharing some of your knowledge with with our listeners that would be fantastic um just kind of a to z what what you tell people when they ask about getting into hunting in florida absolutely i mean i get a lot of people asking me about fishing and obviously that's way easier to just go buy a fishing pole and walk down to the water and start fishing um hunting if you've never grown up or had someone to show you it can be very very hard to get into it um and basically it starts off with getting your hunter safety course you you cannot you cannot buy a permit or have a license until you go and take this safety course and that is offered through my fwc florida wildlife conservation commission and it's a it's a simple course it's a two-hour course or a two-day course excuse me and it might be different now with you know all the co video it might be online or whatnot but anyways super simple course and that's going to run you through the basics you know once you have that you can start applying to where you want to hunt there's i think six million acres of public land in florida no matter what county you're in there's going to be some land to go hunt somewhere and primarily that's going to be deer turkey hogs ducks alligators um some people you know are more into wing shooting we have doves quails um so first things first you're gonna get your hunter safety course after that um you can go and you can there's so the main thing is and it gets super tricky um every piece of land in florida has their own rules and regulations the the florida is broke up into four different zones there's zone a b c and d and each zone has different dates on when your seasons start so you've got to pay attention to that again this is all on my fwc so you know whatever you're confused about you go there and they can tell you everything i'm about to tell you um some wma so for example is where i live i live here in jupiter florida there is three huge wmas and when i say wma i mean wildlife management air yeah there's three of them here there's corbett there's hungry land and there's alapata those three i hunt a lot because they're right here next to my house well just for example corbett is 60 000 acres orbit you don't need a quota a quota is a limited entry um meaning anybody can go in there as soon as it opens when it opens opening day there is going to be hundreds of people flooding into corbett to go hunting well across the street from that is hungry land now hungry land is only 12 000 acres and you need a quota to go in there meaning you have to apply before the season starts on my fwc and if you get drawn you can go hunt that um they only let you know 30 to 50 people in there on any given week so you got to know you know if you're going to this place okay i don't need a quota i can go in there if i'm going here you better have a quota um so let me ask you this real question this question real quick when you when you apply for that quota you're doing all that through myfwc yes to apply for it and then when would you get your quota when would they alert you or tell you that notify you that you you are eligible to hunt in this area so they start i think may is when you can start applying um our bo so bow season is what opens first primarily that's what opens always first in the country is bow season archery so you would apply in may and that goes pretty much all through the summer and they'll let you know they send you emails and alerts that if you get drawn um and they would let you know probably about six to seven weeks before the hunt probably sometime in july um that gives you plenty of time to go out there and set cameras um now on public land you are not allowed to bait there's no baiting allowed you can go put out cameras but that's about it um so you know it's not like private land hunting and you got to understand as a public land hunter it's not going to be like that you know if you talk to a private land hunter and they're they're going to tell you oh i sold 20 deer today and they were all over the place don't expect that on public land that's not how it goes um you uh so basically you get your quota and you're gonna have a couple weeks to go scouting scouting is huge scouting is everything it's just like fishing it's uh the more time you spend out there you're gonna know and when it comes to scouting no one scouts more than i do i am out there all day all all week long i'm putting in miles i'm talking minimal of eight miles now a lot of people are not going to be able to do that um but the more you scout the better and i've had lately had an obsession with trail cameras i can't stop buying them and i could say that's the photographer in me you know i don't even do it just for the hunting aspect i like setting them up on like you know cool logs and crossings and whatnot so i like learning a lot more beyond just killing them um so yeah quota quotas are the key if you want to kill if you want to have a as good as a chance of killing a deer in florida you're going to want to get on a quota hunt like i said you know um a lot of people hunt around here and it's very discouraging when you get to your stand and there's you know three people walking around with flashlights um and that happens a lot and that's another thing you know i'll maybe talk about a little later is the etiquette yeah um yeah let's do it you know there's people etiquette is probably the biggest thing out of them all and you know throughout the years you know i'm 29 now um when i first started to hunt when i was 18 you know i didn't really know what was going on i was just rummaging through the woods you know a little banshee um so i mean since we're talking about let's talk about it um if you're a first-time hunter everybody hunts different there's people who are going to want to walk around and walk walk in stock that's where you walk really slow and you look for animals and then you proceed to figure out how you're going to get shot on one and then there's a lot of people who like to just find a good tree and whether they set up a ladder stand or a climbing stand they'll sit all day in a climber well if you're a walk-in stock hunter and you're walking down a trail and a hundred yards in front of you you see a guy sitting in a tree turn around don't keep walking in front of them i don't care if if you know there's deer up in front of them just be curious there's 60 000 acres of land turn around let the guy have it um another thing um vice versa or let me say this a lot of people before their hunt they put ribbons out they'll put these ribbons out marking you know these plastic ribbons don't do that don't be that guy because i've seen so many ribbons out there that are left out there and uh it's public land again don't just because you have your ribbons here doesn't mean it's your property anymore um so don't do that don't be that guy um when you're hunting when you're pulling into a spot in the morning a lot of places there will have you have to have a designated parking spot if you pull up there let me just tell you this when i pull up to my spot that i've been scouting all month and i get there and there's already five trucks there i'm not going to go there i'm going somewhere else and i can't tell you how many times i've killed deer saying all right you know what there's already enough people here i'm gonna go to this spot i go to this spot there's no trucks there i've never even scouted it but i walk 200 yards in and i kill a deer that happens all the time so don't get discouraged and don't go in there picking a fight with somebody you know because let's face it you know these some of these guys out there have guns and you don't you don't know you know there's people out there you just don't know so no deer is worth fighting over right just go somewhere else that's a big thing um bow season let's start off with bow season bow season you don't need hunter's orange so don't need hunters orange bow season is very bow hunting is very tough if you're a first-time hunter don't just go buy a bow and go out there there's a lot of preparation in bow hunting you're going to be serious about bow hunting get a bow way months in advance and shoot it every single day um and when it comes down to crunch time you're not going to want to shoot a deer in the back of the back and trail them for three days and you're never going to find them so when it comes crunch time if you're going to be a bow hunter that's more preparation than anything you need to shoot shoot shoot shoot you need to figure out where that arrow is going to be and what not or you're just wasting your time i mean let me ask you a little bit about your opinion about that how how dialed do you need to be to have success in florida bow hunting like do you need to have your ranges at 30 40 50 or 50 60 70 and could you need to be able to put six arrows in a in a you know a little two-inch uh uh target or like what's your what's your kind of baseline minimum baseline that you feel like you would be able to uh ethically and and uh effectively hunt with a bow for me 65 yards is my maximum again that's going to be different for everyone else and it's going to be different for every state that you hunt florida is really thick so there's a lot of areas when you're bow hunting that you can get real tight in with them and your shot's going to be 20 yards that's very common um it depends on your bow now with me bow hunting is my passion so you know dang right i'm going to have the nicest of the nice and i have i have a matthews vxr it's one of their newest bows it's one of their baddest bows they've ever made so of course you know shooting 65 yards is no problem with a bow like that not everyone has the luxury of buying you know a top end bow and so it's really whatever you're comfortable with um an average bow you can go you know you can buy a used bow online for anywhere from three to six hundred dollars and that'll get the job done um minimal of 40 pound draw illegal in florida florida passed at least 40 pounds a draw to legally hunt with and most most you know young females can pull back a 40-pound bow so don't be worried about that um so 20 yards my pins on my boat 34 50 60. um and i can shoot at 60 yards i can hit a pie plate no every time and that's what you want to do so if you can't if you can't hit basically if you can't hit a pie plate then you're not doing it right okay it needs to be within even smaller of a ply plate but you know you're grouping your groupings need to be within two to six inches of each other nothing farther out of that or you need to just keep shooting so with seasons after after bow season you go into muzzleloader um muzzleloader is probably the best time of the year to be in the woods um you're the first gun in the woods um now muzzle loaders again there's a lot of rules with them it's it's 45 caliber or bigger you got to have um with a muzzle loader you're you're literally it's like old time you're putting in the powder and that muzzle loader it's one shot you get one shot and that's it after muzzleloader general gun and that's when you got to be careful again now if you have a gun in your hands you better have orange on you have to have 500 square inches of orange which means a vest and a hat so make sure you have that because again like i said there's people out there and you'll hear these horror stories every now and then of of you know somebody walking through the woods and some people it's rare but some people sometimes don't look at their target before they're shooting and that's huge if you're going to become a hunter you got to make sure you know what you're shooting and that brings me to my next thing is is legal deer um legal deer is a big thing to me now and now when i was young you know when you're a first-time hunter if it's brown it's down if it has eyes it dies well ten years ago when i first started hunting florida there was no bag limit there was no reporting system there was basically you could kill a deer every day of season until the season ends well up until about four or five years ago um the fwc has implemented antler restriction rules first they started off with two points on one side um and then they went to three points on one side which is what it is now so meaning it has to have three points meaning let me see here i have some right here here's a deer skull now this is your main beam your long one is your main beam now with with the rule it's three on one side or a ten inch main beam this is your main beam this is probably a 16 inch main beam so obviously you could shoot it and it also has points one no okay so here's another big tricky thing you see this right here this is not over an inch okay if it's not over an inch it's not considered a point now the old timers will tell you if you can hang a ring on it it's a point but by rules of fwc is it has to be an inch so to be honest with you i would not count that as a point you got to be careful but this right here is a point this right here is a point and then you got your brow tine so that would be three one two three that would be a legal deer but what you see a lot of time in florida is um you're gonna get a lot of young deer coming you know barely they're probably nine inch horns and they've got just a fork and you see a lot of people killing those deer and they're like oh i thought it was 10 inches so i don't like the 10 inch rule i wish they would do away with it because so many people are like oh i thought it was 10 inches how am i supposed to know well when in doubt let them go right um there are certain days you can shoot does you know the email of the year and every wma again is different this wma over here the i'll let you shoot those well the wma across the street doesn't let you shoot those and you've got to be very you got to know what you're you're doing again on my fwc you can look up every specific wma and they're going to outline every single rule for that particular wma again no feeding never ever put corn or anything down on public land that is very illegal and they fwc doesn't play when it comes to it if you get caught doing some things they could take your hunting license away for three to five years or indefinitely right so it's nothing nothing to uh risk so ryan just to be clear are there places in florida on private land that you can feed is there a difference in the rule there or can you just not feed in florida whatsoever private land you can feed okay um now with private land you have to have a feeder established i believe it's six months prior to season so you just can't go out there a day before and drop 100 pounds of corn and hunt it it's got to be established um a long time before that but yes you can feed on private land okay so for the purposes of this on public land there's no feeding of any kind whatsoever never no exception no feeding never okay never um and so another thing again with the reporting the game uh so they've gotten very strict this is the first year now where when you kill a deer before you even move that deer you have to report it um meaning now most most of us are going to be using our phones and you just go on the app there's an app you say okay i shot an eight point right here at this wma log it in it's in the system for the old-timers out there who aren't doing that you can print out a form and you fill it out right away when you kill it and you have to put it i'm not sure how it is i think you have to rubber band it to the antler or something and then you have 24 hours to call it in so make sure that you do that because i've already seen a couple people this year they're posting pictures of the deer and they haven't reported it and then a week later there's they're coming online saying man make sure you report your dear i forgot to report it there's fwc out there constantly monitoring that they're gonna they're gonna be online they're gonna be checking if they if you post a picture of your deer somebody's gonna be checking that so make sure you log it this year they've implemented five deer a year in florida you're allowed five deer no more than two of those can be females so you can either shoot five bucks and no females or you can shoot three bucks and two does so or you can shoot four bucks in one dough you just can't shoot more than two does right um so you're you're limited now you got five deer a year which is more than enough to feed any family i mean when you properly clean and skin out a deer i mean that's more meat than you can handle so i'm all about the limits and just you know the few years since they've started i've seen a dramatic increase in bigger bucks being shot and more deer you know around so i think they're doing a good job with that uh supplies um there's a lot that goes into it basics are gonna first first thing is all is a thermocell thermocell thermocell thermocell or you will die out there um you're going to want a thermocell the mosquitoes are terrible turn that sucker on before you even start walking out there you want that thing red hot by the time you get in your tree some people even use two of them um a knife i use a havalon knife just because i mean the blades are cheap and as soon as you put a new blade on there you can carve a deer up in in matter of no time it's so much easier carving out a deer with a sharp knife than a dull knife don't do it so um headlight um you're going to want you want to figure out how you're going to hunt tree stand climber walking stock i think if you're a beginner the best type is going to be a ladder stand get a ladder stand they're 100 to 200 and that's basically a 15 foot ladder with a seat on it get you a safety harness that's going to be a full body harness that you're going to want to be in and it clips to the top of the tree god forbid you fall out you're going to want that safety harness on people die every year because they fall out of their tree stand and i don't care how good you are i don't care how young and spry you are things happen up there if you stand up and you got a big giant buck coming at you you're gonna you might lose your feeding it happens you everything goes out the window when you got a big buck coming down the lane so be safe wear a safety harness um those are the basics you know you're going to want your thermostat your knife your your flashlight when you're walking in in the morning um get a light that has a red a red light um i think that's better you know you don't want to go in there with a giant white light people are going to be mad you know your spot light in the woods the deer see that they i don't think they see the red i've never really had a problem with the red so try and get one that has that um let's see what else we got here uh trail cameras are big um i'm a big fan of browning trail cameras they're about a hundred dollars and they're gonna be they're gonna tell you a lot what's going on in the woods um you can save a lot of headache so so you have a couple of different trail camera options you have types of cameras that you have to go out there and get the card and then you have other cameras that you have hooked up to a cellular network or whatever and you can get the get the pictures delivered to your phone um which do you prefer and it is one worth worth of cost uh once you get a cell phone camera it's like christmas every morning i mean i wake up at 4 30 in the morning and that's the first thing i'm checking is my cell phone cameras um and that's you know something new this year that's you know it's blowing up is cell phone cameras um there's spy point there's moultrie there's spartan um they're very new in the game with the cell phone camera so there's still a lot of hiccups with all the companies i don't think there's really not one company out there that's flawless yet but they all do a pretty good job you're not going to get the quality out of those as like one that you just kind of leave with an sd card those brownings that i was telling you super hd video um and i think with those cell phone cameras you can get it but you got to pay extra money for them to transmit high quality videos and whatnot but but the cell phone camera is great more or less so for a private land hunter than it is a public land hunter again with the public land hunting a lot of times with especially with the quota hunts you only have three days when you get a quota it's most of the time it's only a three or four day hunt so your time time's limited um the cell phone cameras are great for people who have private land because you could be sitting on your couch and oh it went off i'm gonna go out there right um that's not as easy with the public land um but again it is very fun the the best thing about a cell phone camera is you're not going out there consistently to check it that's huge these mature whitetails are smart if you go out there and you're checking your camera once a week that deer knows that deer has been living there for four or five years and when you come walking through there he smells that if you haven't been there for six months and now you're walking through there every week that deer smells that trail i have i have tons of videos of me setting up a trail camera for the first time ever a buck coming in hitting that scent and going whoa and taking off and getting out of there and you won't see him again for two weeks well with the cell phone cameras i'm noticing now that i'm leaving them out there for months at a time almost and you'll see the first week you won't really get anything and then after that they just start coming through and uh it's just that's what that's i think the most valuable thing of a cell phone camera is you're getting real-time data right away you're not having to drive out there you're saving gas money by going out there you know a lot of times the woods off you know isn't in your backyard it's probably an hour drive an hour walk or whatever it is so the cell phone cameras are saving you a lot of time and effort um so i like them both it's whatever you can afford again the cell phone cameras range anywhere from 100 to 400 and with me on public land i'm not putting a 400 camera out in the woods there are people out there who will chop down a tree to steal your camera i've seen it so you could put a lock on it um that's that you know pretty much keeps an honest man out um just a 20 python lock you put it in there that'll save you most of the time but don't go out there and put a 400 camera and when it gets stolen be surprised it it can happen right right man good tips man what about um what about the scent we talked we briefly talked about scent but for for hunters that are just getting started they may not realize how important you know disguising your scent ways that you can do that uh let's cover that real quick well scent control in florida is pretty much non-existent um you know you can you can shower and non-smelling shampoo you can you can spray down you can wash your clothes in nonscent detergent but two minutes out there in the woods you're soaked and sweat so play the wind the wind is it that's all you can do and i don't care anybody can tell me different you know they make these things called ozonics where you know they sucks in your air and whatever that's to me it's all a gimmick the wind is that's it is your win um now not to say i don't still spray down and all that you know i'm trying to get the best advantage i can but you got to play the win when when you find an area that you want to hunt one of my favorite apps is windy w-i-n-d-y windy and that's going to show you the winds for what it's doing a lot of times i won't hunt a particular spot until the wind is right because listen in the wind the wind's in your face you're good if you're hunting an area and the wind's at your back and it's blowing your wind right into where you're thinking that deer is gonna come from you're never gonna see them you're never even gonna see them they're gonna smell you so far away you're not even gonna know they're there um so send control really play the win um i'm out there usually a lot of times just in my my board shorts that's it i got nothing on about porch shorts and i don't really recommend barefoot but a lot of people who know me is i'm the barefoot bandit around here it's just super stealthy yeah um i'm a walking stock hunter so i i i don't i encourage it and i don't encourage it if you're not a walking stock hunter don't try and be one it takes a lot of stealth and patience you know you just don't walk around oh there's a deer and fling an arrow it doesn't work like that you got to literally walk inches by inches and you got to take serious note of your surrounding to be a successful walking stock hunter it's not for everybody so you can try it if you're not seeing anything don't be surprised they're probably seeing you a long ways ahead before they see you yeah you see them got it um boots boots are tough um you know especially with all this rain lately a lot of areas that you're hunting are going to be probably over your boot and that's another thing why i go barefoot but what you can wear is some water shoes um you can wear water shoes and you can wear some maybe snake like i don't know if they're called like gators or whatever they're kind of like a shin pad right there's a lot of snakes around i see them all the time i don't wear any of that again i don't recommend that i'm very i'm so alert with my surroundings i mean i'm out in the woods every day i see snakes all the time they're out there just got to be careful you got to watch doubt um alligators are a big thing um especially you know i've seen i've seen eight foot alligators in a in a tiny little hole that you would never think an eight-foot alligator is in you got to be aware of that another big thing is ticks ticks are huge there's ticks all over the place um a thermacell is not going to help you on ticks you're going to want permethrin sawyer is the company that makes that permethrin you can you can coat your clothes in it um a day before the hunt and it'll dry and as soon as the tick gets on you it'll die that promethean works really great um what about when you're when you're out there and you're bored shorts what how are you watching out for ticks like that you just get them the name of the you just get them you just get them you got to watch it i mean once you get a couple ticks you'll know like you know you'll feel it but uh luckily we don't have as many ticks down here we get big ticks down here in south florida so you feel them um when you go to north florida there's seed ticks up there and those are nasty i mean you'll be by the time you notice it you'll have hundreds of them on you so north florida is a little more sketchy when it comes to ticks down here you'll get maybe one or two on you every now and then and that's mostly because i'm walking through the grass like miles when you're when you're in the tree stand you don't really have to worry about that you're pretty much you're going under your spot you get up in your tree stand you're sitting up there me i'm like a deer i'm walking through the woods picking up everything yeah so you just gotta check yourself after every hunt that's what i do gotcha just check again they like you know they like that they like areas that you don't want them to be in let's put it that way so check check those first okay um so man that's a tremendous amount of information uh as far as like looking at these these uh areas that you're thinking about hunting whether that's a uh either type hunt that we discussed what about resources that you can look at satellite maps or or anything like that that you use different apps or different um mapping kind of things that you could get an idea of the lay of the land before you even go i'm big on you can ask my girlfriend i spent hours looking at google um onyx onyx is a big one you're gonna onyx is probably the biggest app you're gonna want to get um i think it's 20 bucks a year and what onyx does is it's going to lay out all the property lines for you so when you hunt a specific area you can go on myfwc and they're going to they have these brochures well the brochures that they give you are super vague you can't tell property lines on there and what onyx will do is it'll paint you a beautiful picture um you can track yourself you can pin things um so onyx is the number one app that i recommend for that but other than that as far as figuring out an area i'll i'll have google i'll have bing and i'll have the apple you know whatever the maps that comes with your iphone already and all three of those will have different layouts and they'll all kind of show you a different different thing you know cypress trees will look different here a pineapple or a palmetto flat will look different here and i'll use a combination of all three of those apps and you can literally pin i mean think about it 15 years ago you couldn't do that so there's a lot of new ground out there that our people are exploring i mean 10 years ago you weren't walking three miles in the woods because you would you would have died you would have never found your way out never um so definitely when you find an area you know go back home go on the aerial view and just look you know to pay attention to what cypress trees look like on the map pay attention to what a pine tree looks like on a mat um for me my secret is cypress bucks around south florida loves cypress that's cover form it's the nastiest part of the woods there is um and that's where the bucks are going to be the harder it is to get to an area the more likely there's going to be deer there so yeah definitely definitely um google maps is probably my favorite that gives you the best layout of them all and so i'll use google with a combination of onyx and that's pretty much how i find my way around nice and then um for people that are are getting started or refining their approach uh do you have videos that you're putting out or there is there another place where people can go to watch some videos and and kind of learn like that yeah absolutely youtube um i particularly don't do it too much i've never been a big guy on doing my videos on youtube just because i kind of keep it a little on the dl but there's tons of people on youtube who are public land hunters and they are showing you what you need to do how to do it all the mistakes they're making um there's a couple big ones i think um the public society or something i can't remember but you can find it really easy on youtube just yeah the hunt yeah yeah that's one they do a great job um not so much in florida they're not really in florida too much but any questions you know i people message me all the time and i'm glad to help any questions you have um i love i love helping new hunters a lot of my buddies now that i have who never hunted are huge huge hunters you know my girlfriend she never hunted a day in her life and she's probably one of the biggest bow hunters i know now um so i love getting new hunters involved it's kind of a big deal you know hunting is it's a very touchy subject for a lot of people but um you know if like i said if you're not born into it or you've never done it a lot of people kind of look against hunting they don't like it but i can tell you right now the first time you go hunting you'll be hooked it's not about always killing it for example you know like my trip in colorado i was up there for seven days hunting elk don't get me wrong i would have loved to kill one but just being out there in the mountains meeting new people some of the guides out there was more than i could have asked for soul cleansing right so well that's awesome well let's uh let's end right there and why don't you tell people how they can get in touch with you how they could message you how they could follow you on social media wherever you want to send them yeah biggest is instagram i'm big on instagram that's ryannitz r-y-a-n-n-i-t-z um you can email me ryan it's photography at those are my two i check those every day um and that's pretty much it i try and keep it just to that keep it simple right on well ryan thanks so much for all that information that's fantastic and uh guys he he put it out there if you have questions you can you can uh send him an email he's uh he's an email very easy guy to talk to and and you'll get a lot of information out of there and when you go follow him on his uh his instagram don't be surprised if all of a sudden you want to go fishing for giant snook because he's pretty good at that too all right so that's that's uh how to tuesday for today how to hunt public land in florida and uh i don't know about you but i learned a ton if you like this share it with one of your friends uh tag us on instagram tom underscore roland underscore podcast tag ryan knits too let him know that you listened to this and that you liked what he had to say and follow him on instagram he's got a great page all right that's it for today we'll see you next week