Posts tagged push pole
Physical Friday - Training to Pole a Skiff - Episode #664

Poling a Skiff is a critical and physically intensive aspect of guiding. There are several workouts and exercises that can drastically help improve your grip and poling strength. Good technique is the most important but when you have developed that, grip strength and pulling strength will allow you to pole into the wind all day. Feel free to text me at 305-930-7346….

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2 Ways To Prevent Your Push Pole From Breaking When You Stake Out

Right now it is tarpon season, and something you might notice is a lot of guides out there with a push pole that they are using to direct the boat towards the fish and also using to stop the boat. This is called “staking out” and it is very effective and very easy to mess up and break your push pole. These poles are made of high-end graphite and can break easily if there is too much strain put on them, and they are expensive so you really don’t want to break them. Also, since I use Power Poles for anchoring in shallow water, it is important to know that there are some cases when I will still stake out with a push pole because there are areas where I can’t use the Power Poles.

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